Thursday, April 27, 2006

Klaus Kracks the Top 50

BBC Film Reviewer Alex Crawford recently compiled his list of the 50 Greatest Actors of All-Time and it's nice to see our man K2 krack the list and I'm sure as hell glad he was ranked above Will Smith and Bill Murray.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of Murray's recent work but to suggest that a handful of decent performances puts him in the same league as the man who brought us Aguirre and the ghost of Duncan McBride in REVENGE OF THE STOLEN STARS is a bit of a stretch.


Anonymous said...

Great work, though am sure the greatest man on screen would have found something in it to get into a rage about.

Anonymous said...

A rare mark of distinction

Kinksi’s inclusion into the greatest 50 actors for his performance in Aguirre der Zorn Gottes is well-founded. Another rare mark of distinction is the fact that he is the only actor that has played two different roles in Bram Stoker’s Gothic, the role of Renfield in Count Dracula & the title role in Nosferatu Phantom der Nacht