Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NOSSY IN VENICE Day 2: Neil Vokes Art

I wouldn't call my collection of Klaus-related items "world class" by any stretch of the imagination, but I have picked up some cool stuff here and there. One of my favorite items in my collection is a collage of scenes from NOSFERATU IN VENICE as interpreted by Rondo award-winning illustrator (and good pal) Neil Vokes.

Vokes – who has illustrated such great graphic novels as THE BLACK FOREST and its sequel, PARLIAMENT OF JUSTICE (with writer Mike Oeming), and THE WICKED WEST and its followup – originally showcased this artwork back in 2003 on The Eurotrash Paradise during a discussion of the film. Not too long afterwards I was able to acquire the artwork from Neil at a horror convention and, as I say, it's one of my prized possessions of Klaus-work.

Check it out below and click to enlarge...

1 comment:

Emily Bænʃi said...

Is it a one of a kind copy? Because if he does prints I would love to get my hands on one since it's one of my favorite movies.